So, today was a bit of a difficult day all around. From what I can tell, it seems to be going around! I blame chemtrails.
I got my first gift from Robbie. My cute toes are painted black with pale pink hearts. Then my oldest son brought me a box of chocolates and asked me to be his valentine. How very sweet!
I was talking to Rob in the car today about weight loss and love. On weight, I expressed to him how trapped I feel in this body of fat. I know that I have made choices that consume my time and energy, but I really want to be "me" again and "me" is buried inside this cocoon. He is gonna help me with my caloric intake. I am endeavoring to try going to the gym in the mornings before work. It really is the only time I have, and honestly I don't sleep that well anyway, so I might as well commit one hour of it to something that may actually help me sleep better and hopefully alleviate some of the pain from my Fibromyalgia.
On love, I was telling him of a woman that said something very kind to me lately. It wasn't the nature of the comment as much as the heart behind it, which I could feel. I have known this lady for several years, but we have never been talking buddies. What she said, though, made me realize that she loves me; even though she's never around me. It was a rare and wonderful experience. I think most of us have people like this in our lives and we just forget to remember them. In that moment, I felt appreciated for all my faults and strengths as one and didn't feel I had to be anything but me. It was a humbling and uplifting moment indeed.
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